1 year ago
Friday, February 5, 2010
Jiffy Lube giveaway at moneysavingmadness.com
Go to this link for a wonderful giveaway...http://www.moneysavingmadness.com/2010/02/giveaway-jiffy-lube-35-gift-cards-3.html. Your chances of winning is good. But hurry it ends today!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Yard Sale Season!!!!!!
Well I went to the first yard sale last weekend and it was awesome! The first yard sale I stopped at I spent $25.00, but the awesome thing about it was that I found my daughter summer and winter clothes for a total of $22.50. I got about 45 pieces of clothing for her!!!!!! I was so thrilled. And since the kids were so good and my husband and I did not have to get on them for anything I got them 2 toys each (Alayna's suitcase is missing from the picture):) Then we went to a couple more yards sales. After spending $30.00 that day we decided it was time to head home. I am still so happy about the clothes I got a lot of good names...Children's Place...Gap...Baby Gap...JLo...Old Navy...then of course some brands are Wal-mart, Target, and Kohls. At a different yard sale I also got a brand new Pfaltzgraff Christmas design cheese tray w/sculpted server, and at another yard sale I got an almost brand new(only used once) quesadilla maker. Then I got my 3 year some real tools super cheap (they are not pictured). He likes to help my dad work on mowers. My dad has a side job/hobby working on small engines and my son helps his Papap.:)
Postings has been sparce.
Sorry my postings have been sparce. The last several months I have been running my grandma to the doctor like crazy! At least once a week I have be running her to Columbus for appointments with specialist and for tests. So my time on the computer have been very limited, but it hasn't stopped me from my frugal shopping. Even though I am running my grandma to doctors appt. and etc. I still stop and do some frugal shopping. She loves my shopping and gets a kick out of it. Right now I am at a slow point, but starting next month we will be going to Columbus for some injections for my grandma. I will try to keep up with my blog, but right now my family comes first. If you all want to know my hectic schedule...Mondays...my son has speech thearpy about 45 mins from our home...then one day besides Mondays I run my grandma to the doctor. She lives an hour from me then it is another hour and 45 minutes to Columbus from her house. Then you all know how long of a wait is usually at the doctors office then the hour and 45 min. drive home for her, then my hour drive home. These trips always makes for a long day especially with two little kids. Then I clean for my grandma once a week (days that I don't take her to the doctor). Then I like to keep my Friday's open for yard sales. Then of course I LOVE having the Weekends to spend with my family:) The picture is of my wonderful Grandma, that I enjoy helping. This picture was from Christmas day. I LOVE MY GRANDMA!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My Two Kids are Such a Wonderful Gift from God:)
We went to Applebee's Sunday after I took my husband to the Urgent Care. My husband got the Mozzarella Sticks for an appetizer. My daughter Alayna it took her close to 10 mins. just to eat on, but my son and my husband down them quickly. I think it was just to much cheese for her to eat. I thought I would just post a few pictures from my phone of the kids I thought was really cute. The last picture is of my daughter from February 18, 2008. It's amazing to see how much they grow in just one year!

Walgreens Deal for Week February 22-28
This is my Walgreen's deal for this week. I went to Walgreen's on February 22. I was taking my husband to our closes Urgent Care because he wasn't feeling good, but when we got there they weren't open so we had to wait for an 1 1/2 so instead of our 30 min. drive home I went ahead and used that time to do my Walgreen's shopping for the trip. This is what I got....
~Two packages of Pull-up for $20.98 then I used a $3.00 coupons and a $2.00, so I ended up paying $15.98 for both packages.
~ The Lancaster Eagle Gazette newspaper $1.25
~ Walgreen's Alcohol on sale for $.89
~ Walgreen's Peroxide on clearance for $.40
~ 2 Glade scented oil lasting impressions air fresheners on sale for $8.99. I had a buy one get one free coupons, plus in this months easy save you can get a a rebate for $3.00 on each one, so I ended up only paying $2.99 for the two air fresheners:)
~ 2 Glade scented candles were on sale for 2/$5.00. I had a $1.50/2, then I will get a $1.00 rebate for each one, so I ended up paying a $1.50 for 2. My husband LOVES having air fresheners and candles. He likes having our house smell really good:)
~ 2 Reynolds foil on sale for $.89 and I had two $1.00 coupons, so I got $.22 overage:)
~ Then I bought my kids a couple of snacks and something to drink to tie them over until we left the Urgent Care.
Total that I spent was $36.98, but I used my $7.00 Register Returns from my last purchase, then I will get $8.80 back on my Walgreen's gift card (that is including the 10%). So my total was $21. 18 with tax. This is not the best of my shopping trip to Walgreen's but the snacks were to keep the kids peaceful until my husband saw the doctor:)
Walgreens Deals
Walgreens Deal for Week February 15-21
First off, I got our kids Valentine's Day cards for next year! Nothing like getting them early! Our son, McKinley, got Crayola "color-your-own" V-day cards with heart shaped lollipops for only $0.99! Our daughter, Alayna, got Princess themed V-day cards with heart shaped lollipops for only $0.99! These were both 75% off of their original prices!
Next, I got Zucol cold treatment lozenges for $7.99. With the mail in rebate of $7.99, this item will be FREE!
Next, I got Revlon concealer for $8.99. It was $9.99 but I used a $1.00 coupon. With the mail in rebate of $9.99, this item made me $1.00! Nothing like getting paid to take stuff from the store!
Next, Loreal hair color on clearance for $4.19. Thanks to my dad, I have to cover up my grays!
Next, Gillette Venus women's razor $6.99. It was $8.99, but I used a $2.00 coupon. On top of that, I got a $6.00 Walgreen's register return to be used on a future purchase. So, effectively, I only paid $0.99!
Next, Revlon lip gloss $7.99. It was $9.99 but I used a $2.00 coupon. With the mail in rebate of $9.99, this item made me $2.00!
Next, Walgreen's contact solution $1.99. With the mail in rebate of $1.99, this item was FREE!
Next, Fructis Garnier shampoo $2.99. It was $3.99 but I used a $1.00 coupon. With the mail in rebate of $3.99, this item made me $1.00!
Next, Tylenol Rapid Release Gels $1.49. It was $5.49 but I used a $4.00 printable Internet coupon. I used a $1.00 Register Return from a previous trip, so I only paid $0.49!
Next, Schick Quattro razor refills $3.99. It was $8.99 but I used a $3.00 Walgreen's coupon stacked on top of a $2.00 manufacturers coupon.
My total was $51.45...I used a $10.44 gift card from my previous mail in rebate. My accumulated mail in rebate for this trip was $33.95 (I get 10% extra since I get it put onto a gift card instead of a check, so the total mail in rebate added to my Walgreen's gift card will be $37.35. I also received $7.00 register returns for the purchases on this trip. So, effectively, Walgreen's will have paid me $3.34 to "take" this stuff from their store! I love bargain hunting!
Walgreens Deals
Monday, February 23, 2009
Free Redbox DVD Rental Today Only
Here is a Redbox Rental code for today only. The code expires at midnight. Here is the code S39XKT.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Frugal Valentine Idea
I wanted to share with everyone my frugal Valentine idea for Valentines day. Living on one income with two small children you don't always have the money to spend on nice gifts. So my husband and I decided just to buy cards this year. I am also planning a surprise dinner for two at home and it will only cost about $15.00 if not less. This is what I am planning for our Valentine's dinner at home...Stuffed chicken breast (which I have in the freezer) I only have to buy cream of mushroom soup to add some flavoring, Mashed potatoes (I do have to buy the potatoes), Biscuits (which I already have), Corn (which I already have) Sparkling Grape Juice (I had to purchase that this week) Potato Salad (I have to purchase this since my husband does not like homemade potato salad). I am going to take our kitchen table down to two people, I have a very nice cloth table cloth and napkins. I also have two fancy napkin holders, I am also going to pull out my nice dishes, plus using are champagne glasses from our wedding (4 1/2 years ago:)) Then I am going to make a wonderful chocolate desert. Then I bought the cheap $1.00 valentine cards (32 in a box) I am going to hide those then I will give him clues to go find them. At every 8 cards I will have a little piece of candy with it. Then for the finally I am going to rent him a movie he has been wanting to watch (of course from Redbox which only cost $1.00) I hope my husband will enjoy his Valentines surprise. I will post pictures of everything this weekend or week.
Free DVD Rental - TODAY ONLY
Walgreens is offering a free dvd rental for Redbox today only. The code is WGREEN2. Enjoy you free movie:)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Kroger Deal - Week of 2/2/09 - 2/8/09
Well, Kroger is having their Daytona 500 sale this week ($3 off a $10 purchase on items advertised for the sale in the weekly sale ad so each item of the 10 is basically $0.30 off), so I sent my hubby on his lunch break to do some shopping for me on Tuesday. He actually got what I asked him to get...nothing more, nothing less!
My Deals:
1. NON-SALE ITEM - 4 packs of 4-pack Cottonelle toilet paper for $0.99 each. I had 2 printable Internet coupons for $0.50 that doubled to $0.99 (2 packs for free!) and 1 coupon that was $0.50 off of 2 packs (doubled to $1.00 off of 2 packs, so 2 packs for $1.00). So, I got 4 packs of toilet paper for $1.00!
2. SALE ITEM - 1 pack of Huggies diapers, advertised for $9.99. The $0.30 off made them $9.69. I had a $1.50 manufacturer's coupon, so I got these for $8.19 (not great, but better than $9.99!).
3. SALE ITEM - 9 cans of Pillsbury Grands biscuits, advertised at $1.29, with the $0.30 off, they were $0.99/each. So, I used 5 $0.25 coupons (doubled to $0.50, so I got 5 cans for $0.49 each) and then I had 2 $0.35 coupons off of 2 cans (doubled to $0.70, so I got 4 more cans for $2.56).
4. SALE ITEM - 10 cans of Hunt's Manwich, advertised at $1.00, with the $0.30 off, they were $0.70/each. So, I used 5 coupons for $0.50 off of 2 cans (doubled to $1.00 off of 2 cans, so I 10 cans of Manwich for $2.00 or $0.20 each can! That is a great deal!)
I had a $5.00 off my next order coupon from a previous Kroger shopping trip (no idea why I got it, it just printed off ony my receipt for that trip!).
My total for this shopping trip was:
Before Coupons: $30.43
After Coupons: $11.66
This is a 76% saving off of the regular price! I love shopping like this! Needless to say, I won't be running out of biscuits or Manwich anytime soon!
Finally Back to Blogging!

I want to apologize for not blogging the past couple of weeks. The hard drive in our laptop died, so I couldn't use that :(. My husband got a great deal on a Dell desktop through his work, so we ordered one and got it last Friday. Yay! So here I am again!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Kroger 1/5-1/11

I went to Kroger the other night to get some items and walked out with such a great deal! Needsless to say my cashier was not too happy, because of my coupons. I glad I haven't had her other times, because I usually have more coupons than I had this night:)
I bought three boxes of Kellogg's cereal, and you get a free gallon of milk which we were in need of. The boxes of cereal were on sale for 3/$8.00 ($2.67 a piece). I had (3) $1.00 coupons which made the cereal $1.67 a piece. I ended up paying $5.01 for 3 boxes of cereal and a gallon of milk:) The GE flood lights were clearance to $1.00 a piece which we will be needing soon. The Softsoap's were on sale for $1.00 for which I had (2) $.35 coupons which doubles to $.70 so I ended up paying $.60 for two soaps. The Colgate toothpaste's were on sale for $1.00 I had (3) coupons for $.75 which doubles to $1.50, so I ended up getting $1.50 overage on the toothpaste's. The Crest toothpaste was on sale for $2.50 I had a $.75 coupon with doubles to $1.50 then I had an e-coupon for $1.50, which I got $.50 overage on. The Glade candles were on clearance for $1.74 for which I had a coupon for $1.50 off of two. The Suave deodorants are on sale for $1.00 each and I had (3) $.50 coupons which doubles to $1.00. And the two Buddies soaps were $.99 each and I had (2) coupons for $1.00 off. My total for everything ended up be $8 and some change. This is a lot for $8.00!!!!!
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