Sorry my postings have been sparce. The last several months I have been running my grandma to the doctor like crazy! At least once a week I have be running her to Columbus for appointments with specialist and for tests. So my time on the computer have been very limited, but it hasn't stopped me from my frugal shopping. Even though I am running my grandma to doctors appt. and etc. I still stop and do some frugal shopping. She loves my shopping and gets a kick out of it. Right now I am at a slow point, but starting next month we will be going to Columbus for some injections for my grandma. I will try to keep up with my blog, but right now my family comes first. If you all want to know my hectic son has speech thearpy about 45 mins from our home...then one day besides Mondays I run my grandma to the doctor. She lives an hour from me then it is another hour and 45 minutes to Columbus from her house. Then you all know how long of a wait is usually at the doctors office then the hour and 45 min. drive home for her, then my hour drive home. These trips always makes for a long day especially with two little kids. Then I clean for my grandma once a week (days that I don't take her to the doctor). Then I like to keep my Friday's open for yard sales. Then of course I LOVE having the Weekends to spend with my family:) The picture is of my wonderful Grandma, that I enjoy helping. This picture was from Christmas day. I LOVE MY GRANDMA!
1 year ago
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