First off, I got our kids Valentine's Day cards for next year! Nothing like getting them early! Our son, McKinley, got Crayola "color-your-own" V-day cards with heart shaped lollipops for only $0.99! Our daughter, Alayna, got Princess themed V-day cards with heart shaped lollipops for only $0.99! These were both 75% off of their original prices!
Next, I got Zucol cold treatment lozenges for $7.99. With the mail in rebate of $7.99, this item will be FREE!
Next, I got Revlon concealer for $8.99. It was $9.99 but I used a $1.00 coupon. With the mail in rebate of $9.99, this item made me $1.00! Nothing like getting paid to take stuff from the store!
Next, Loreal hair color on clearance for $4.19. Thanks to my dad, I have to cover up my grays!
Next, Gillette Venus women's razor $6.99. It was $8.99, but I used a $2.00 coupon. On top of that, I got a $6.00 Walgreen's register return to be used on a future purchase. So, effectively, I only paid $0.99!
Next, Revlon lip gloss $7.99. It was $9.99 but I used a $2.00 coupon. With the mail in rebate of $9.99, this item made me $2.00!
Next, Walgreen's contact solution $1.99. With the mail in rebate of $1.99, this item was FREE!
Next, Fructis Garnier shampoo $2.99. It was $3.99 but I used a $1.00 coupon. With the mail in rebate of $3.99, this item made me $1.00!
Next, Tylenol Rapid Release Gels $1.49. It was $5.49 but I used a $4.00 printable Internet coupon. I used a $1.00 Register Return from a previous trip, so I only paid $0.49!
Next, Schick Quattro razor refills $3.99. It was $8.99 but I used a $3.00 Walgreen's coupon stacked on top of a $2.00 manufacturers coupon.
My total was $51.45...I used a $10.44 gift card from my previous mail in rebate. My accumulated mail in rebate for this trip was $33.95 (I get 10% extra since I get it put onto a gift card instead of a check, so the total mail in rebate added to my Walgreen's gift card will be $37.35. I also received $7.00 register returns for the purchases on this trip. So, effectively, Walgreen's will have paid me $3.34 to "take" this stuff from their store! I love bargain hunting!
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