Well I went to the first yard sale last weekend and it was awesome! The first yard sale I stopped at I spent $25.00, but the awesome thing about it was that I found my daughter summer and winter clothes for a total of $22.50. I got about 45 pieces of clothing for her!!!!!! I was so thrilled. And since the kids were so good and my husband and I did not have to get on them for anything I got them 2 toys each (Alayna's suitcase is missing from the picture):) Then we went to a couple more yards sales. After spending $30.00 that day we decided it was time to head home. I am still so happy about the clothes I got a lot of good names...Children's Place...Gap...Baby Gap...JLo...Old Navy...then of course some brands are Wal-mart, Target, and Kohls. At a different yard sale I also got a brand new Pfaltzgraff Christmas design cheese tray w/sculpted server, and at another yard sale I got an almost brand new(only used once) quesadilla maker. Then I got my 3 year some real tools super cheap (they are not pictured). He likes to help my dad work on mowers. My dad has a side job/hobby working on small engines and my son helps his Papap.:)
1 year ago